Discovery In The Dark Logo
Design Thinking for Innovation in the Dark

This workshop follows the In The Dark Methodology and pairs it with the design thinking for innovation process. The In The Dark Methodology allows for a fuller vulnerability, greater connectivity, more voices, connectedness, and more perspectives. Participants will be able to more fully understand the end user, their challenges, and journey. Participants in this workshop will then use a mindset of creativity to find solutions to the identified problem.

Duration of the session: 2 hours, customized to client’s needs
Number of participants: up to 200
Design Thinking for Innovation in the Dark is comprised of 4 phases.

To begin, participants will perform activities that will take them through journey mapping of the main user. A journey map is a visualization of the process that a person goes through in order to accomplish a goal. In its most basic form, journey mapping starts by compiling a series of user actions into a timeline.


For the second phase, participants will redefine the problem being addressed during this In the Dark workshop. Individual groups will work collaboratively and then come together as a whole to report out and discuss with the full group.


For the third phase, participants will be asked to participate in one of three activities. These activities will be customized based on the client’s needs including: Brain writing, brain storming, and movement. An example of the activities in this phase may include individuals thinking about the problem at hand and write down ideas about the particular question, followed by passing their ideas onto another in the group repeatedly for 10 or more rounds. Throughout the process, participants will build upon one another’s ideas to create synergy.


Debriefing and Takeaways:
Participants will reflect on the concepts learned to create concrete steps to implement them in their organization and community.

To learn more, please email